Meet our new Aussies... - The Fleece


Meet our new Aussies…

We wanted to get to know our two new Aussies Danielle and Lemae a little better. This is what we found out…

fleece girlsWhat brought you to this sunny Isle?

D: Ultimately, travel. England is such a great place to use as a hub to travel to the rest of Europe, but it’s also an amazing Country to explore. It is so easy to get around, you can get on a train and go from one end to the other. I love going to new places, everything is completely different to what I am used to.

L: To travel whilst having a break between finishing school and beginning my secondary studies. There is also so much history behind everything.

What do you miss most from home?

D: I miss being able to wear dresses in 30 degree weather! I didn’t even own a pair of jeans before I moved here!

L: The weather!

What do you love most about working with Peach?

D: One of the values of Peach is to encourage individuality, I can completely be myself at work with the team and guests, and it’s such a fun company to work for.

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L: I love how much the team care about one another and make each and every guest enjoy their time with us.

Have you had a hero moment since being at The Fleece?

D: My first ever private dining experience is my hero moment. I was so stressed out about having to look after a group of over 20 guests but the next day they sent an email thanking us and also personally thanking me for my service and how I took care of them.

L: I also had my first private dining  guests to look after for the first time last night, and at the end of the night they took their time to personally thank me for the time and effort I put into their dining experience.

We’ve just launches our new Drinks LIST. What’s your favourite? 

D: Definitely the English Garden cocktail! I’d never had Gin or Elderflower before coming here and now I won’t drink anything else!

L: The Great Chase Cocktail. Summer in a glass!

Be sure to come in and give the girls a warm welcome, they’d love to get to know you too!


Written by Peach People

I'm feeling peachy!

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