Rising Up The Ranks: From Commis To Head Chef In Four Years - The Fleece


Rising Up The Ranks: From Commis To Head Chef In Four Years




fleeceMichael Halbert has had an impressive career with us at Peach Pubs, moving from Commis to Head Chef in just four years. After starting out as a Commis at The Fishes in Oxford, Michael is now Head Chef at our sister pub; The Fleece in Witney. We spoke to Michael about his time at Peach and what he has learnt over the last four years.


Have you always known that you wanted to be a Head Chef?

I’ve always wanted to be a Head Chef from the moment I started off because I’ve always wanted the freedom to put my own stamp on what I do.


My aim has been to drive forwards and get higher up in the kitchen, so I would hopefully end up running my own kitchen one day. I’ve always enjoyed working my way up, developing myself and learning new skills from different people.


What first led you into the kitchen as a Commis?

Cooking was something I used to do at home and at school and I remember the first dish I ever made was a curry for my Dad! I have always enjoyed cooking and that’s why I decided to take it as a career path. I trained at Stratford College which was great and then I did an apprenticeship through the college with Nuthurst Grange and enjoyed it from the get go.


What has been your biggest inspiration?

Screen Shot 2015-02-02 at 11.30.46Seeing the people above me working in the Kitchen. Seeing what they were doing and how they worked motivated me to try and become more like them and get to their position. I’ve worked under a number of Head Chefs in Peach such as Trevor Blake, who has helped me a lot in my career and is the life and soul of the kitchen. I also worked under Mathias Rouvray at The Fishes who, although may come across as a tough chef, has taught me a lot. He even still calls me to see if I need any help from time to time.



Clearly you’ve worked hard to get where are you are today. Have their been any mistakes along the way?

There have been a few funny mistakes along the way. One Monday night I forgot to do the stock order and so I had to get the bus to another pub to borrow some stock… It’s quite hard to cook without ingredients! And the time I put salt in the sweet pastry didn’t go down too well!


What are the most important lessons you’ve learnt being in the kitchen?

Listen to what people are saying and taking on responsibilities. Always driving forwards and always being there.


What advice would you give to anyone currently working as a Commis?

Listen, always be willing to work & learn and have the right attitude.


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When asked what makes Michael stand out, Chef Director Corin Earland commented that, “Michael is calm and dedicated to his job. He is also a quick learner, and once he has been shown something, he can repeat the same thing again. That’s what Peach need and what Peach guests need… Consistency!” Corin added “Michael is the second person we’ve ever had move from Commis to Head Chef at Peach and I don’t think it is possible to do in less than four years.”

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