Peach Fest USA... - The Fleece


Peach Fest USA…

What do you get when you give the team full reign on an opportunity to dress up for the theme of ‘American’ for our 4th July Peach Pubs party?


19 risqué Playboy Bunnies and a very grey Hugh Hefner donning on a sailor hat and pipe. That’s what. 

Whilst a few unlucky ones were left to run the pub, and others pumped some iron at the gym, the day began with drinking at lunch for the rest of the team, with the excitement and buzz for the afternoon not going unnoticed by our guests. The girls started their hair and makeup early, the corsets were tied, the boys waistcoats buttoned and the bunny tails attached. After a few pre-drinks, plenty of selfies, and a quick lesson to learn our choreographed routine, we were ready to jump on the coach to the outskirts of Thame!

FullSizeRenderJoined by no other than Nat Cash as the cowgirl, our coach ride soon became a very animated sing-along journey.

We soon arrived, (slightly behind our sister pubs… we blame the girls!), and were greeted by Peach Long Island Iced Tea Cocktails and a much needed Burger and Hot Dog to help soak up some of the booze! The big top was opened for a performance by the acrobats and circus performers, giving us quite an entertaining surprise. We soon learnt that the directors of Peach couldn’t make the celebration, and in their place stood Britney Spears, Axel Rose and Elvis. What an honour. They even aided in presenting Peach Hero awards to Gabby and Danielle.

The dance off commenced, with a battle of  Disney Characters, NBA players and even iconic American figures, each performing their 30-second routine. Finally it was The Fleece’s turn with General Manager Duncan taking centre stage making it rain with the money in his hands. Soon surrounded by his Bunnies, it was a huge freestyle, booty-shaking party to Kanye West Gold Digger, landing us in a unanimous first place! With our new found pride and glory, we danced into the early hours before returning to our coach and making the trip home to end another year at Peach Fest!

Written by Peach People

I'm feeling peachy!

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