Dylan Thomas in Witney: The Fleece to Feature on Welsh Literary Tour - The Fleece


Dylan Thomas in Witney: The Fleece to Feature on Welsh Literary Tour

Poet Dylan Thomas lived at South Leigh Manor from 1947 to 1949. The manor was bought for him by his patron Margaret Taylor, who supported Thomas, providing him with accommodation until his death.

During his time at North Leigh, Thomas was known to frequently make the two mile cycle ride to The Fleece, which was his favourite watering hole at the time. In 1948 he voiced a Country Life radio broadcast from The Fleece entitled ‘The Windrush Valley’.

Our proudly-held connection to the great Welsh poet has gained us a spot on a Literary Tour, devised by Literature Wales. The tour will take in a number of locations around the county, including the Randolph Hotel, where he like to take breakfast, and Hollywell Ford, where he and his family lived in the summer house in 1946, as well as lunch at The Fleece. Thomas’ granddaughter Hannah Ellis and biographer Andrew Lycett will lead this fascinating exploration of the poet’s time in the region.


Written by Peach People

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